Asalammu Aleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu [Mayamda Salam Toujaree] What Islam Says: Is SIN WILL of GOD or NOT?

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Questions as such have nagged Man ever since he began conscious logical thinking.

Allah has ordained certain standards and measures for the functioning of the Universe. For instance, it is pre-determined for water to solidify at 0 ° C... and vaporize at 100 ° C, for fire to burn and scorch and for the Earth to exert gravitational pull, and so on so forth. In the physical world of living matter (plants, animals and humans), Nature has similarly ordained their taqdeer – some animals are herbivores, some are carnivores while Man is omnivore. The Sun, the Moon and all the other astral bodies are likewise bound to their respective taqdeer –their natural life spans and their properties.

But Human being is different from the rest of Creation in having the freedom of choice. Quaran says And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them. And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like murky oil, which scalds [their] faces. Wretched is the drink, and evil is the resting place.
"Al-Quran 18:29

It is to be noted that Man is free to choose an action but they must bear the naturally ordained and pre-determined consequence of that action. If one puts one's finger in fire, one must suffer burns (because that is the taqdeer of that action). After that, one must turn to another action with a different taqdeer – like applying an ointment on the burn.

Similarly, in the human social world, Man is free to choose his actions but must bear the natural consequences of them. The laws governing the physical as well as the human social universe are unchanging and constant. Whosoever follows the Divine Law, even if to a very small extent, and does noble deeds will see pleasant results. And whosoever goes against the law, even if to a very small extent, would get appropriate punishment. Quran says in Surah The Earthquake 99:7-8

"So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it,
"And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it."

So, one must act individually or collectively to get results in this universe. To get the desired results, the taqdeer of the Universe and the relating Laws of Nature must be discovered and kept in view at all times. The Natural laws, as we have seen are the standards and measures of things set by Allah.

Whatever happens in this world is by the will of Allah, no doubt. But why Allah wishes, this is the matter to be clarified? As you said we have been given freedom to chose good or bad and to be muslim or non-muslim, so when the person chose... the wrong way and acts wrong deeds then Allah Subhaanahu take a decision accordingly, and this is the will of Allah.
Just take a simple example- in a family, parent want their children to follow the good ways of life but childrens do just the opposit. Are the children going to claim that this was the WILL of the Parent. No, this was the WILL of the son/daughter. Similary, Allah never will the human being does the SIN but human being Commits due to his WILL. So to give the punish of that WILL is the WILL of Allah(SWT). Human being was created from mud and asked the Angels to respect him. The Angels was made of fire and therefore feel superior to Human Beings and denied the order of Allah. Then Allah SWT disown them. The Satan challanged to Allah SWT that they will misguide human beings and lead to wrong path. So Allah SWT agreed to the challange. So satan is everywhere and trying to invoke the evil thoughts on human being to depart from Allah's ways shown in Quran. Lets discuss the following example. Lets assue human being as Student. As SIN is WISH of SATAN invoked to human being who challanged to ALLAH SWT to mislead us at any cost. But to give concurrence is WILL of ALLAH. Without CONCURRENCE of ALLAH no bad or good thing will happen. But the Question is "why GOD CONCUR to a SIN". Well, ALLAH SWT has already written in minute details in QURAN about the Goodness and SIN. If GOD WILL, He can make every human being MUSLIMS, GIVE FOOD TO ALL CREATURES without any WORK, GIVE ALL WEALTH. We are under testing just like board examination. If teacher wish, he can make all student PASS , then where is the point of test. We all are student of Allah and under test. Even if TEACHER knows that a student is writing a wrong answer in front of him, he wont tell student but allow him to do what he thinks deem correct. In the same way, ALLAH know everything what we are doing is whether a SIN or not but wont stop us as we are under Test. So ALLAH will allow us to do what we wish.  

Source: Dr. Zakir Naik and Own logic

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