Asalammu Aleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu [Mayamda Salam Toujaree] What Islam Says: MASAH OF KHUF-FAIN (MOZAH)

Thursday, January 19, 2012


KHUF-FAIN are special types of socks. Instead of washing the feet during Wudhu, it is permissible to pass moist hands over such socks. This is known as MASAH ALAL KHUFFAIN.


1.The socks must be strong enough to enable walking in them on roads for approximately three miles without the socks tearing.

2. The socks should remain in position (covering the foreleg) without being tied. They should not slip. Socks which have elastic sewn into them (to keep them in position) will be regarded as being tied.

3. Water must not be able to seep through.

4. The socks must not be transparent or even semitransparent. If any one of the four conditions is lacking, Masah on such socks will not be permissible. Khuffain on which Masah is made are generally made to leather. The type of socks woolen, nylon, etc., generally worn nowadays is not classified as "Khuffain". It is, therefore, not permissible to make Masah on them. If socks are made of a material other than leather and the aforementioned four requirements are met, Masah will be permissible on them. For the Masah Alal Khuffain to be valid, it is essential to put on the Khuffain after complete Wudhu has been made.

If the Khuffain have been put on before a complete Wudhu has been made, Masah on them will not be permissible. Firstly, a complete Wudhu has to be made, and then only should the Khuffain be put on. Thereafter if Wudhu breaks, it will be permissible to make Masah Alal Khuffain without washing the feet when Wudhu is being made.

For a MUQEEM (one who is not a traveller - MUSAAFIR) Masah Alal Khuffain is valid for a period of 24 hours. For a MUSAAFIR the period permissible is up to 72 hours. The period of 24 or 72 hours will be reckoned from the time the Wudhu (after which the Khuffain were put on) breaks, not from the time the Khuffain were put on. For example, a Muqeem makes Wudhu at 6 p.m. and after completing his Wudhu he puts on Khuffain. At 8 p.m. his Wudhu breaks, twenty-four hours will be reckoned from 8 p.m. Hence, it will be permissible for him to make Masah Alal Khuffain each time he takes Wudhu until 8 p.m. the next day.

Upon expiry of 24 hours, Masah Alal Khuffain will no longer be valid. When the period of (24 hours for the Muqeem and 72 hours for the Musaafir) expires, the KHUFFAIN should be removed and the FEET washed. It is not necessary to renew the WUDHU.


Draw the fingers of the right hand on the upper surface of the Khuffain starting from the toes and ending (the Masah) at the foreleg (just above the ankle). The Masah should be done once only on each sock. The right hand should be used for the right Khuff and the left hand for the left Khuff.

If the back of the hand was used to make the Masah, it will be valid. However, one should not unnecessarily depart from the correct .Sunnah method.

It is not permissible to make Masah on the side or at the under surface of the Khuffain. It is FARDH to make Masah on each sock to the extent of three full fingers, i.e. the full surface area of three fingers must be drawn from the toes to the foreleg.

The following acts will nullify the Masah which was made on the Khuffain:

1. All things which nullify Wudhu.

2. Removal of the Khuff (sock).

3. The expiry of the period, i.e. 24 hours for the Muqeem and 72 hours for the Musaafir.

If only one sock was removed then, too, it is Wajib to remove the other one and wash both feet.

Even if only the foreleg is exposed by lowering the Khuff, it will be regarded as if the whole sock has been removed. It will then be  COMPULSORY to remove the Khuffain and wash both feet.

1. It is not permissible to make Masah on a Khuff which is torn to such an extent that an area equal to the size of three small toes is exposed. It is permissible to make Masah on the sock if it is torn less than this.

2. If the seam of the Khuff comes loose, but while walking the foot is not exposed, Masah on such Khuffain will be valid.

3. If a Muqeem who has made Masah Alal Khuffain goes on a journey before the expiry of 24 hours, then his mash may be extended to 72 hours. His Masah will now be valid for 72 hours.

4. If a Musaafir, who has made Masah Alal Khuffain, returns to his home town then his Masah will be valid for only 24 hours.

5. It is permissible to make Masah on ordinary woolen, etc, socks which have been covered with leather.

6. If Ghusl becomes compulsory then Masah Alal Khuffain will not be permissible even if the valid period has not yet expired. The Khuffain must be removed when the Ghusl is taken and the feet washed.

7. If after making Masah one sets foot in a puddle of water and water enters the Khuff wetting more than half the foot, then Masah will be nullified. Both Khuffain must be removed and the feet washed.
Source: Taleemul Haq

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