Asalammu Aleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu [Mayamda Salam Toujaree] What Islam Says: Salaatul Tasbeeh

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Salaatul Tasbeeh

Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that the Messanger of Allah (SAW) said to Al-Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib(RA):

"O Abbas, o my uncle! Should I not give something to you? Should I not give you a present? Should I not give a gift to you? Should I not instruct to you ten things-if you were to do them, Allah (SWT) will forgive your sins; the first of them and the last of them, the old of them and the new of them, the unintentional of them and intentional of them, the small of them and large of them, the hidden of them and the public of them. Ten things which are: that you pray four Rak'ahs............. (After this the prophet Muhammed(SAW) taught him the way of performing this salat).

The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) then said; if you are able to pray this once everyday, do so, if you cannot do so, once every week, and if you cannot do so, then once every month, and if you cannot do so, then once every year, if you cannot do so, then once in your lifetime..." (Abu Dawad, Tirmidhi ibn Majah)

The tasbeeh to be recited in Salatu Tasbeeh is:

Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillaahi Wa la ilaaha illal laahu Wallaahu Akbar

Glory be to Allah. All praise is due to Allah. There is no God except Allah. Allah is the Greatest

The graphical illustration of the Salat:

1. First Step:

2. Second Step:

3. Third Step:

4. Fourth Step:

a. You can pray Salaatul Tasbeeh any part of the day or night except during the forbidden times for performing salaah. It is encouraged during the potential nights of Laila-tul-Qadr because of the blessings during that blessed ninght as stated in Quran itself. (Surah Qadr, Chapter 97)

b. Your aim is to receite the above tasbeeh 300 times [75 x 4=300]. However, please do not count loudly or on the fingers or by holding beads in your hand. If by mistake the tasbeeh in any one position missed, recite the missed tasbeeh in the next posture or at the end.

c. You may count by pressing the fingers as a reminder. For example, if you are in Rukuh, you may press finger on right hand first for the first count, then the finger next to it for second count, then the middle finger for third, following this method until you reach the little finger of left hand and that will give you a count of 10. Use the same methode during the whole salaah.

If you have any question please ask a scholar

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